Types of coffee in Indonesia, Specialty Robusta Coffee - Specialty Robusta Coffee


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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Types of coffee in Indonesia, Specialty Robusta Coffee

Types of coffee in Indonesia, The type of coffee that is widely cultivated

Robusta coffee

Robusta coffee originates from West Africa and grows at lower elevations and higher temperatures. Robusta coffee can be grown in the lowlands and highlands. The growth itself is from an altitude of 400 meters to 2000 meters above sea level (masl).

Robusta coffee type, was first discovered in the Congo in 18981 by botanists from Belgium. Robusta coffee is native to Africa, which includes the Congo, Sudan, Liberia, and Uganda.

Robusta coffee was imported and developed on a large scale in the early 20th century by the Dutch colonial government in Indonesia.

Robusta coffee production, contributes about 30% of coffee beans from total coffee production in the world and is increasing.

Robusta coffee characteristics

Robusta coffee has the shape of coffee beans, which tend to be round, Robusta coffee beans are also much smaller when compared to Arabica coffee beans which have a larger size. Robusta coffee in the form of dry beans is much more durable in the storage process.

Robusta coffee taste

The taste of robusta coffee, in general, is a little sweet, sour, thick bitter and savory taste.

Robusta coffee characteristics

The characteristics of robusta coffee, in general, are thick, thick (body) and the dominant bitter and the aroma of this coffee is very strong.

Arabica Coffee Plant

Arabica coffee, a coffee plant that is believed to have originated from the Ethiopian region and was then brought by Arab traders to Yemen.

Arabica coffee, coffee called Arabica according to another source around the 7th century, Arabica coffee beans were brought to Arabia to be planted. Arabica coffee is a type of coffee that can grow in the highlands from an altitude of 800 meters to 3000 meters above sea level (masl).

Arabica coffee tree characteristics

Short Arabica coffee trees grow to a height of about 2-3 meters. The main stem stands upright with a rounded shape, the main stem has many branches and the color of the Arabica coffee leaves is also glossy green.

Arabica coffee characteristics

Arabica coffee has the size of the beans, the coffee is quite large and the shape of the coffee beans is mostly oval and elongated.

Arabica coffee taste

Arabica coffee has a distinctive taste, sour and fruity aroma, some of which have a lemon-like aroma.

Characteristics of arabica coffee

Characteristics of Arabica coffee, in the form of a light viscosity (body) and a higher acidity level than Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa coffees. The natural fruit aroma profile of the coffee itself is also a very unique character of Arabica coffee.

(By Mas Black Coffee)

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